Monday, May 19, 2014

A new lease on life

The pup's back at it, finding new and interesting things to put in his mouth.

Initially I was a bit hesitant about making these videos available, but since there's been a marked improvement in Bud's attitude after each encounter, and because he seems elated to still be able to catch prey, I figure he ought to have his interests represented on his own blog.

As a disclaimer, bird enthusiasts probably won't enjoy watching the following. However, as one who likes to see his dog happy, I'm thrilled Bud's got himself a hobby.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Antibiotic backlash

Well, Bud's finished both courses of medication and the incision seam is coming together nicely. However, he's been fighting what appears to be a viral bug for the past five days which means he spends most of the time sleeping. There's a white mucus like discharge coming from his nose and he's become quite listless, probably due to fever.

Buddy's Bed

So, I'm getting some extra exercise carting him around. I'm not too worried about it since it's pretty common to come down with secondary infections when your immune system has been demolished by antibiotics.

I'm just hoping he'll be able to get over this soon. We're spending a day of rest in Jordan toay at the Garfield Motel. Then tomorrow we'll be back on 200 moving farther east.

Sometimes it's as if he's laughing at me, like he's thinking, 'Ha, ha! Look who's smiling now.'

Saturday, May 3, 2014

A thrilling step toward recovery

We're getting back to it tomorrow, but before leaving Lewistown, I wanted to post this.
I never figured he'd do this again, but yesterday evening he put my doubts to rest.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

A little physical therapy in the park

Nothing a big ol' bone won't make better

Well, they certainly didn't take Bud's hollow leg. After eating his normal breakfast he proceeded to eat half a chicken and then polished off this knee bone in 40 minutes flat.

We walked into town this morning and Buddy didn't miss a step. This afternoon he's been considerably more tired than usual, but that's to be expected after such a big operation. Also, I'm not sure if one of his meds might cause him to feel sleepy.

Amazingly resilient creature! Three legs and five miles, and he's still much faster than me.