Sunday, July 6, 2014

Cornfields, camping and prime rib

It's been heating up recently. I think it was about 90 degrees today, but fortunately there are lots of dirty mud holes to soak in, and the nearly endless corn fields provide a shady alternative to the blistering hot pavements.

Since we've been on the WT trail, there've been plenty of things to sniff. Why today Bud even came across a pair of foxes at play, though they didn't seem very eager to play with him.

We camped for two evenings in the park at Malvern, and on the evening of the Fourth there were lots of noisy aerial festivities to accompany the ambience of our roaring fire, neither of which suited Bud very well. He was content to remain sprawled out on the blanket by the tent.

The fireworks were later trumped by deafening crashes from a thunderstorm that rolled its way through in the early morning, and strangely, I think the pooch was more at easy with nature's display.

Today we stopped in the Irish town of Imogene and had a delicious meal at the Emerald Isle Restaurant and Pub. As a rare treat, the bar keeper, Mike Olson, found some prime rib scraps in his fridge (close to 3 lbs) for Buddy. As you can imagine, he became quite the glutton when faced with the prospect of such fine food.

One more day, and we'll have come to the end of this lovely trail. Then, it's back to the noise of the road once again.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed our conversation when you and Buddy were dining al fresco at the Classic Café in Malvern. I was the attorney with the Boxer listening to the band. I hope your journey was fruitful and enlightening. Cheers from Malvern,
