Friday, June 9, 2017

Requiem for An Irreplaceable Friend

If tears are a meter to measure the love felt for a friend lost
and myriad memories of joy and fun resurface at every turn;
If crossing a country can build a new path to healing 
and walking with a buddy is able to bind life's broken pieces;
If a paw extended without pretense fills an empty hand 
and a dog's desire to be near his master inspires devotion,

Then you have fulfilled every purpose for which you were created.

Thank you my friend.



  1. My heart is breaking with you, Luc. Rest in peace, dear Buddy. XXXOO

  2. We miss you, Buddy but look forward to seeing you in heaven!

    1. I've often thought him an angel, maybe he'll be there?

  3. I'm so sorry Luke. Buddy was such a good companion. So glad you two crossed paths, I believe you will again.

    1. I might not have had the opportunity to discover how truly wonderful Buddy was had you not so generously offered to board him in those initial months. Thank you for the part you played in helping to establish our friendship.

    2. We were happy to be able to spend time with Buddy and you Luke. You two have enjoyed more adventures together than most people do in a life time. Buddy is your forever friend.

  4. I'm so sorry Luke. Buddy was such a good companion. So glad you two crossed paths, I believe you will again.

  5. Good poem Luca. Dogs are a gift. Sorry for the loss of Buddy. Kyle E.

  6. Buddy was an amazing gift from God.

    1. Dear Lucas, God's gift of Buddy:
      A loyal, loving, trustworthy friend; super companion; perceptive; full of adventure; totally accepting and forgiving; so happy to please; able to give comfort; dependable; committed to obedience;a joy to be with.

      May the example of Buddy's life enable you in a powerful way to pass on to others his wonderful qualities of what it means to have such a loyal friend, just being there for others giving love and acceptance and being being an example to those who your life will influence for all eternity.

      Also, may you have the trust and dependence on your loving Heavenly Father that Buddy had towards you.

      My prayer is with you and for you in this time of extreme loss. That God will comfort you and enable you to comfort others more deeply as you go through these days of losing such a special companion. May you trust Him more fully than you ever have before.

      Love, Grandma S

    2. Dear Lucas, Just a further reply to my last one as I have given more thoughts and prayer to what you are going through in the loss of your friend, Buddy. Love, Grandma,

      Buddy s life and example is an example we can all learn from.
      Lucas, your time and effort and patience in training and discipling of Buddy had a huge part in the companion and friend that Buddy became.
      Life is an experience of trial and error. The best part is that we don't make those decisions in isolation.
      We have a Heavenly Father who patiently guides us and trains us and loves us and believes in us. The best part is that he never gives up on us and sees the best in us every moment.
      If we can trust in Him and depend on Him the way Buddy trusted and depended on you, it will be so much easier to become that "Rock" that will point others to this Wonderful God who has created us in His image.
      I believe that in some way Buddy has helped you, by his example, To know and love this Heavenly Father so much that your life and future will be spent sharing this love with a world that is sad, lonely and hurting very deeply.
      This is the legacy your loving friend, Buddy.
      May you be the "friend" to those whose lives you touch in the way that Buddy was a friend to you.
      You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I don't shed tears often or easily, but I find myself shedding many tears as I am asking God to comfort and sustain you in this time of enormous loss.
      Love, Grandma Seale

    3. Thank you Grandmother. It means a lot to know that you understand.

  7. Sorry to hear about Buddy passing

  8. Hi Lucas,
    This is Jolie from the family in Ellensburg who needed to re-home Buddy. We are, of course, saddened to hear of Buddy's passing. But we are also comforted in knowing that Buddy had such a fun, adventurous life with you! We know that he was deeply loved and appreciated by you, and it seems that he most certainly fulfilled his earthly mission as you said so beautifully. He filled the measure of his creation.
    Did we ever tell you the story about how we got him? We quite literally saved him from going to a kill shelter in Seattle. The day that my husband called the shelter in Yakima to ask about him, Buddy was loaded on their truck to be taken to the Seattle shelter. He was minutes away from being taken there when Josh called. The woman on the phone said, "Sir, unless you're serious about taking this dog, I won't take him off the truck." And my husband said "We want him! Please take him off."
    Long story long, we adopted him. I must admit to you, that even though we loved him deeply and enjoyed our time with him, I can honestly say that deep down, I knew in my heart that he wasn't mine. I don't quite know how to describe it. But when you came to our home to adopt him, I knew that he was meant for you. A feeling of peace washed over me as I saw you walking away with him, and I felt that he was destined to be with you, Lucas.
    That was his purpose. To be your companion. :-) It all worked out exactly how God needed it to. We are SO grateful to you for giving him a wonderful life! He had 4 years of love, adventure, freedom, and fun.
    God Bless.

    1. Jolie, I'm so blessed to read your words and know you feel that way. Buddy was certainly a friend like no other, and though I know there will never be another dog to replace him, I'm grateful for the time and adventures given us. Also thankful for the part you and your husband played in introducing me to such an invaluable companion. Best regards.

    2. Once again, I am touched & weeping.

  9. I am so very sorry for your loss. I met Buddy and you for just a brief moment in Indiana on your journey across the country. Buddy was truly an awesome pooch and may he rest in peace in God's company.
