Friday, February 14, 2014

Learning to trust

Today Buddy hit a big mile marker in his training when he remained laying in a docile state for ten minutes while I was in a store. Unbenounced to him, I was able to watch him through the window the whole time. He didn't get anxious or bark at people coming in. So I guess we're learning to trust each other more.

On a slightly sad note, this morning I found that his left eye was producing quite a lot of puss signifying that some infection has set in. It may have been from a scratch or perhaps contracted from another dog. In any case, by the end of the day it seemed to be pretty much the same. So, if it's still oozing tomorrow, we'll run by the vet to get some drops. Hopefully, that'll clear up any problem.

These kinds of things will probably happen many times if Buddy accompanies me across the country. With any luck, he'll be able to handle the stresses and havoc that long distances wreak on the body. So far, he's doing remarkably well.

Here are a couple videos from walking today. Funny little quirk... since Wednesday, every time we pass a picnic table, he wants to climb on top of it. So, we're using that as his comfort zone.

Notice that the leash is usually quite slack, whereas two days ago, it would have been tight enough to play a note. The more we walk together, the more in pace with my step he walks. I'm sure there's a spiritual parallel in there somewhere but I'll leave that one alone.

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