Saturday, February 15, 2014

Vets aren't cheap

Buddy had a check up today. Ostensibly, he has a spot of conjunctivitis in his right eye, probably from a cat scratch, and a slight infection in the left ear. So, we got some outrageously expensive ointments (38.50$ for 3 grams)  which will hopefully solve the problem, that is if there's enough for more than a couple doses.

The vet was quite impressed by his demeanor and said that he ought to make a fine companion for the upcoming trek. We'll have to keep on top of the yeast build up in his ears to prevent any further problems there, but that's a simple solution with a bit of vinegar.

We only walked around five miles today, but I'd say that Buddy had earned a little rest. We spent the afternoon and evening at my folks, and the pooch was treated to a beef hip bone which he appeared to enjoy immensely as he watched me BBQ.

1 comment:

  1. Poor guy! Thanks so much for taking great care of his needs and seeking medical attention. If you'd like to, we can discuss reimbursing you for the vet bill.
    Funny story about puffy Buddy eyes....when he was about 5 months old, he was running excitedly through the living room, around and around the couches. We had his doggy bed next to the wall. He ran full speed into his bed, but whacked the wall pretty hard with his head. A few hours later his eye was puffy and I thought that it might be infected. We soon realized that the puffiness was caused by the impact with the wall.
